


The Home Child Care Provider Pilot and the Home Support Worker Pilot are 5-year pilot programs that let qualified caregivers and their family members come to Canada with the goal of becoming permanent residents.

If you’ve been offered a job in Canada as a caregiver or have experience working in Canada as a caregiver, you may be able to apply for permanent residence through one of these pilots.

The application process will be different depending on your situation and how much qualifying work experience you have.


Home Child Care Provider Pilot and Home Support Worker Pilot


You may be able to apply for permanent residence through the Home Child Care Provider Pilot or Home Support Worker Pilot if you:

meet the eligibility requirements, and have a job offer to work in one of these occupations

Through these pilots, you’ll get an open work permit to come to Canada and work temporarily. This work permit:

Is occupation-restricted (so you have to work in that specific occupation) doesn’t need a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) lets you get the work experience you need to be eligible for permanent residence

If you recently worked as a home child care provider or support worker, your experience may count towards your eligibility for permanent residence.

You have less than 12 months of qualifying work experience (Gaining experience category)

You have never worked full-time as a caregiver in Canada or have less than 12 months of work experience.

This includes if you are working full-time as a caregiver in Canada right now, or recently worked full-time as a caregiver in Canada

You have 12 or more months of qualifying work experience (Direct to permanent residence category)

In the last 36 months, you’ve worked full-time as a caregiver in Canada for a total of 12 months or more.

Contact Jiauddin Immigration today to learn more about these program and find out if you qualify for this program.


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